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Buy aseptic tomato paste

Buying aseptic tomato paste is a high-quality choice with a long shelf life without the need to store it in a cold room or refrigerator.

Aseptic tomato paste is one of the best choices for the food industry and the production of canned goods. This type of paste has a long shelf life without the need for chemical preservatives due to a special production process that is produced under completely sterile conditions and in a vacuum environment with a lower temperature of around 65 to 70 degrees Celsius. This paste is packed inside special aseptic bags at the time of production.

If you intend to buy aseptic tomato paste, in this article we will review the points that you should pay attention to.

Export of aseptic paste

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Buy aseptic tomato paste

Why is aseptic tomato paste the right choice?
Aseptic tomato paste is produced using a fast heating process in a vacuum environment and packaging in sterile conditions. The production of tomato paste with this method makes the produced paste have the taste, color and nutrients of tomatoes. One of the main advantages of producing aseptic tomato paste is its long-term shelf life of 2 to 3 years without the need for additives and preservatives. Along with all the advantages of this type of produced paste, it is the main option for export along with canned and bulk types of paste. In fact, the main reason for the production of septic paste in the country is its export advantage.

Important points in buying aseptic tomato paste
Product quality
For the high quality of aseptic paste, it is produced from tomatoes

Fresh and high quality that have natural color and taste is very important.

For this purpose, the inspection and quality control of the tomatoes entering the production line of the factory should be done carefully. The entry of impurity, ripe and unripe tomatoes, and mold causes a decrease in the quality and appearance of the produced paste.


Due to the packaging of aseptic paste in special bags, as well as vacuum and sterile conditions, the durability of the product increases. The most important feature of aseptic paste is its ability to be stored for a long time outside the cold room and in the natural environment outside. Therefore, it is a very suitable option for bulk purchase and long-term storage.

Authentic brand
When ordering to buy aseptic tomato paste, be sure to pay attention to the brand of the product.

Reputable brands comply with the highest health and quality standards due to their many years of credibility and guarantee the quality of their products.

Brix index and color of tomato paste
Brix number is one of the most important indicators of antiseptic paste. Aseptic paste is usually produced and packaged with Brix 36-38. In fact, Brix is ​​known as the grade of tomato paste. The higher the Brix, the higher the concentration and cost of the product. Tomato paste is priced according to Brix number.

In addition to brix, the color number is also asked during pricing. The acceptable color number for septic paste is at least 2, and the best color number is 2.2.

Price and bulk purchase
The price of aseptic tomato paste is higher than the bulk type due to the complexity and high technology in its production process and special packaging. Therefore, buying and selling orders for this type of tomato paste are made in bulk. Aseptic packaging guarantees the long shelf life of this type of paste without the need for storage and refrigeration.

Aseptic paste pricing is determined based on BRICS.

bulk master

Tomato paste and septic

Applications of aseptic tomato paste
Aseptic paste is for export and it can be claimed that it is produced only for export. Considering the mass production and excess consumption of this type of tomato paste (aseptic paste), it is very affordable for export.

Countries that import this food seasoning use it to produce canned food in the packaging industry. On the other hand, domestic industries use bulk paste for their production.

Buying and selling aseptic tomato paste is one of the best options for supplying and selling this product in high volume and tonnage. This type of product has a long shelf life due to the aseptic production process that is produced under vacuum and sterile conditions. The main feature of this product is its long-term storage in a natural environment without the need for cold storage and refrigerator.

The type of packaging and storage of aseptic paste preserves the quality and natural taste of the product. Therefore, it is the main option for export.

Pricing for septic paste is usually based on Brix and its value is between 36 and 38. Among the types of paste available in the market, it has a higher price than other pastes.

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